Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Car license :D

Wooooooots !
Tomorrow Im gonna take car license, am so exciteddd xD
So, just now i revise th whole damn book and I take a test on my lappy.
After 15 minutes, this th result :

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Happy anniversary ♥

Happy anniversary 1 year and 8 months my beloved 老婆 ♥ ♥
We had been through lot of conjecture and yet , we still together till tonight :)
There's nothing more or less about you .
You've been perfect enough for me .
Perfect enough ♥
I found 1 maple pics that attracted me because of the storyline.
I hope my life was like that (LOLWUT?!)
Enjoy reading it , my lover ♥

Happy anniversary again my lover ♥ ♥
Wishing we together till our last breathe.
Mmmmuacks ♥ ♥

Saturday, December 4, 2010

16 days left :(

16 days left to & before.
16 days left to wear our school uniform.
16 days left to wear our ugly school shoes.
16 days left to hear teacher's advise.
16 days left to see our school for the last time.
16 days left to see our teachers' face.
16 days left to see our friends.
16 days left to go in class and talk with classmates.
16 days left to feel our school's canteen food.

16 days left before we leave our school forever.
16 days left before we start our college life.
16 days left before we getting older.
16 days left before we getting busy and maybe harder to meet each other again
16 days left before it change everything.
16 days left .. 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Happiest day in this week :D

Woo ! Today's my happiest day in this week ! !
This morning science paper so easy like hell !
I thought if paper 1 easy , then paper 2 will become harder.
But , nothing changed o.o
So , Im smiling all the way :DDDDDD LOLOLOLOL
And today celebrating somebody birthday ~
Happy birthday to Babe Shujin ! ! *clap clap*
Nah, here're some pics for u :)