Friday, January 7, 2011

Outing at Times Square ♥

Today is our 1 year and 9 months anniversary! :D
I don't know how to explain what my feeling towards you, I'm just can't stop myself from keep loving you ♥
We celebrating our anniversary by watching movie, playing at Berjaya Times Square Theme Park, and shopping with you (pretty weird way how we celebrate it. haha).
No matter what we have done today, as long it's a memorable day for us ;)

Today, I learnt alot things from you. 
I learnt not to be afraid by riding the roller coaster, duhh -.-
I learnt how to smiled and laughed spontaneously :)
And I learnt how to spend my whole lifetime with you 
Thanks so muchhhhhhh, I changed from lousy and snobbish to a new person >.<
I really appreciate what we've been through in this moment ;')

Now, the pictures part! :D

We had fun alot today, and I appreciate it and I'll treasure it :)
Thanks babe for fill out the empty space in my heart, you've complete the pieces of my heart 

Love you sincerely 
Jynnie Wong 
April 4, 2009